
By Samuel, 24 July, 2024

The app now provides the PDF files offline as well and has a new sharing menu to easily share the great content:

  • Open PDF: Open the PDF on the device with the default app for PDFs
  • Share PDF: Via the platform's share dialog
  • Open in browser: Open the current worksheet on in the browser
  • Share link: Share the link to the current worksheet on via the platform's share dialog   Read full article
By Samuel, 7 November, 2023

Drupal 9 went end of life a week ago, so this was already overdue. Overall it went smoothly as promised by Drupal. It took me just one morning to get it done - but our website is also fairly simple and doesn't use a lot of modules. Only two things required more attention ... Read full article


By Samuel, 15 June, 2023

In February, we finished a big milestone for the backend of It was a lot of work and in the end there was no change visible from the outward - probably normal for backend work ;-)

But under the hood we could change some important parts of the architecture. With them in place we’re ready for the next development steps! Here’s what happened:

By Samuel, 14 October, 2022
14.-15. October 2022, hybrid (Zoom / Berlin / different locations)
As people with different gifts we want to work together for half a weekend - translators, developers, designers, "normal" people with a heart for technology and Jesus. We'll mainly work on all different areas of the project but other projects are welcome as well! For the weekend, we'll define specific challenges and next steps. Everybody can work in the area he has experience in - connected with others working on similar things so it's more fun, we can help each other and celebrate all progress!
