Hackathon 2024 registration

Yes! We're looking forward to seeing you in Berlin and working together with you! Sign up for the HolyDevelopers Hackathon 22.-24.11.2024 in Berlin:

Let us know where you come from, maybe we know someone else who is coming from a similar direction
Place to stay
The Hackathon will be on-site. If you can't come to Berlin but really want to join on that weekend remotely please let us know, if there is enough interest we may stream a session on zoom and find something that works for you.
Please let us know if you can't join right from the beginning or will leave earlier. And anything else that could be interesting for us ;)


Registration is for free. However organizing and hosting the Hackathon costs us money - please support us with a donation according to what you can give, this is our German bank account:

Account Holder Name
Nächste Schritte e.V.
DE38 1001 7997 2094 9368 36
BIC Code
Spende Projekt HolyDevelopers
Please add your full name and address into the reference field as well if you want to receive a German tax deduction ("Spendenbescheinigung").